Article Withdrawal

In the case that a study or article will be withdrawn, the author(s) and the editorial board will share some responsibilies as required by the publishing policies of IJLET. 

If the author(s) finds a mistake in their study which is unpublished or in early release or review process, they are obliged to cooperate with the editor of the journal during the withdrawal process.

The author(s) who wants to withdraw their study which is in review process is obliged to fill in the "Article Withdrawal Form", scan it with signature(s) on it and send the form via e-mail to the editorial board at "". 

The studies the copyright of which is transferred to IJLET during the submission process cannot be submitted to other journals for review unless they are approved for withdrawal.

The editorial board will return to the author(s) within 2 weeks, evaluating the request for withdrawal.

You can download Article Withdrawal Form here.